
ART FUTURE盡心完善「當代新銳藝術交流平台」之展會核心理念,達成鏈結國際藝術交流的新興橋樑,即將邁入第五屆ART FUTURE 藝術未來 2023,隨著國際間疫情局勢趨緩,我們希望能邀請更多海內外的藝廊單位及藝術家們一同共襄盛舉,讓更多當代新銳藝術家被看見,成為推廣亞洲年輕藝術家的藝術盛會。

The fifth edition 2023 ART FUTURE will be held at five star luxury hotel “Grand Hyatt Taipei’, close to the  prosperous and lively area, Xingyi district. Based on magnificence and innovation, ART FUTURE brings professional exhibition and delicate VIP services, to make the art lovers enjoy the art viewing process. 

The belief of “ Young & Emerging Section”reaching an emerging interaction with the international art exchanges, collaborating with outstanding overseas galleries and artists to promote young Asian artists.

2023 ART FUTURE  第三屆藝術未來
Grand Hyatt Taipei 10F 台北君悅酒店10樓

1月6日(五)12:00-16:00 貴賓預展
1月6日(五)16:00-20:00 公眾參觀
1月7日(六)12:00-20:00 公眾參觀
1月8日(日)12:00-19:00 公眾參觀

2023. 1. 6 - 2023. 1. 8 Grand Hyatt Taipei 10 F


2023.01.06 (五) 16:00 ~ 01.08 (日) 19:00 南應大美術系版印中心於台北君悅酒店展覽2023.01.06 (五) 16:00 ~ 01.08 (日) 19:00 南應大美術系版印中心於台北君悅酒店展覽2023.01.06 (五) 16:00 ~ 01.08 (日) 19:00 南應大美術系版印中心於台北君悅酒店展覽2023.01.06 (五) 16:00 ~ 01.08 (日) 19:00 南應大美術系版印中心於台北君悅酒店展覽2023.01.06 (五) 16:00 ~ 01.08 (日) 19:00 南應大美術系版印中心於台北君悅酒店展覽

2023.01.06 (五) 16:00 ~ 01.08 (日) 19:00 南應大美術系版印中心於台北君悅酒店展覽

2023.01.06 (五) 16:00 ~ 01.08 (日) 19:00 南應大美術系版印中心於台北君悅酒店展覽

2023.01.06 (五) 16:00 ~ 01.08 (日) 19:00 南應大美術系版印中心於台北君悅酒店展覽2023.01.06 (五) 16:00 ~ 01.08 (日) 19:00 南應大美術系版印中心於台北君悅酒店展覽

2023.01.06 (五) 16:00 ~ 01.08 (日) 19:00 南應大美術系版印中心於台北君悅酒店展覽

2023.01.06 (五) 16:00 ~ 01.08 (日) 19:00 南應大美術系版印中心於台北君悅酒店展覽

2023.01.06 (五) 16:00 ~ 01.08 (日) 19:00 南應大美術系版印中心於台北君悅酒店展覽

南應大美術系版印中心黃文勇主任規劃「未定與印痕」展覽於君悅酒店【2023 ART FUTURE 藝術未來】博覽會_影像紀錄

陳香伶老師說:「今天下午到台北君悅酒店參觀〈2023 ART FUTURE〉飯店博覽會,看到黃文力老師帶著學弟妹努力展售自己的畫作,真的很感動,我們美術系學生的創作比其它很多畫廊的作品還要優秀喔,為他們感到驕傲♥️

南應大美術系版印中心黃文勇主任規劃「未定與印痕」展覽於君悅酒店【2023 ART FUTURE 藝術未來】博覽會_影像紀錄
南應大美術系版印課程教師:黃文力 老師

南應大美術系版印中心黃文勇主任規劃「未定與印痕」展覽於君悅酒店【2023 ART FUTURE 藝術未來】博覽會_影像紀錄

南應大美術系版印中心黃文勇主任規劃「未定與印痕」展覽於君悅酒店【2023 ART FUTURE 藝術未來】博覽會_影像紀錄

南應大美術系版印中心黃文勇主任規劃「未定與印痕」展覽於君悅酒店【2023 ART FUTURE 藝術未來】博覽會_影像紀錄

南應大美術系版印中心黃文勇主任規劃「未定與印痕」展覽於君悅酒店【2023 ART FUTURE 藝術未來】博覽會_影像紀錄

南應大美術系版印中心黃文勇主任規劃「未定與印痕」展覽於君悅酒店【2023 ART FUTURE 藝術未來】博覽會_影像紀錄

南應大美術系版印中心黃文勇主任規劃「未定與印痕」展覽於君悅酒店【2023 ART FUTURE 藝術未來】博覽會_影像紀錄南應大美術系版印中心黃文勇主任規劃「未定與印痕」展覽於君悅酒店【2023 ART FUTURE 藝術未來】博覽會_影像紀錄

南應大美術系版印中心黃文勇主任規劃「未定與印痕」展覽於君悅酒店【2023 ART FUTURE 藝術未來】博覽會_影像紀錄南應大美術系版印中心黃文勇主任規劃「未定與印痕」展覽於君悅酒店【2023 ART FUTURE 藝術未來】博覽會_影像紀錄南應大美術系版印中心黃文勇主任規劃「未定與印痕」展覽於君悅酒店【2023 ART FUTURE 藝術未來】博覽會_影像紀錄


ART FUTURE 藝術未來係於2019年創辦,由總監張學孔先生本於2009年創辦Young Art Taipei之理念,結合當代藝術博覽會與國際獎項,由「Young & Emerging Section 當代新銳藝術展區」、「Modern & Contemporary Art Section 現當代藝術展區」及 「 ART FUTURE PRIZE 亞洲新星獎」等三大計畫組成,以亞洲當代藝術視野為基底,培力亞洲新銳藝術之平台,現在已是台灣當代藝術與國際交匯平台中不可或缺的一環。

#Asian Young Artists Project Dedicator

ART FUTURE establish from director Mr. Richard Hsueh Kung Chang since 2019, he continuing the spirit of Young Art Taipei since 2009, combining Contemporary Art Fair with International Awards, with“Young & Emerging Section”, ”Modern & Contemporary Art Section” and “ART FUTURE PRIZE”three projects, is currently now an important part of the Taiwan contemporary art and international exchange platform.


#畫廊與藝術機構 推廣年輕藝術家進入國際市場

「Young & Emerging Section 當代新銳藝術展區」,ART FUTURE以40歲以下新銳藝術家為核心,培養具有潛力之青年藝術家,構築其與收藏家之間的藝文交流平台。

#Galleries and Art Organization promotion young artists into international market

“Young & Emerging Section”ART FUTURE focus on artists under 40 years old, bring up potential artists, and maintain the connection with collectors.


⾸座與當代藝術博覽會接軌的國際獎項—「ART FUTURE PRIZE 亞洲新星獎」,建構出專屬新銳藝術家發展之舞台,極⼒推廣得獎者至各⼤國際藝⽂單位及各國藝術家一同展出,促進亞洲藝⽂發展,更為眾多潛在的優秀青年藝術家創造交流與成長的機會 。本獎項為台灣唯一具國際性的藝術獎項,由跨越國度合作博覽會聯合評選出優異新銳藝術家,以獎助方式導引藝術創作者與產業之間的正面循環與發展。

#In line with international standards and expand artistic horizons

“ART FUTURE PRIZE” Build an exclusive stage for Asian artists’ development, promote the winners to be exhibited at major international arts and culture units and artists from various countries, so as to promote the development of Asian arts and culture, and create opportunities for many potential outstanding young artists to communicate.



#Art Alternative Space, Academy of Art Presents Multiple Imaginations

Co-exhibited with alternative spaces in Taiwan, exploring experimental art exhibitions from multiple perspectives, diverse University and Academy, conducting curatorial projects to see unprecedented artistic imagination, and bringing Taiwan's most Potential contemporary art to the globe platform.



#Art Salon before the exhibition, promoting the correct concept of collection

Combining the academic field, hold academic forums. Using academics as the foundation, closely integrate with the industry for development, and promote the correct concept of art collection. Connect with local arts and culture institutions, hold art and culture salons regularly before the exhibition, and grow together with the local area.

Item 票種

Price 票價

Duration 售票期間



Early Bird One Day Ticket





Early Bird One Day Ticket + Catalog





One Day Ticket 一日票






One Day Ticket + Catalog







Catalog 專刊








 ※ Disabilities individuals with the handbooks can purchase concession tickets for 100 NTD on-site.

※Children under 110 cm in height are admitted for free and must be accompanied by at least one adult throughout the whole exhibition.

※ All Cathay United Credit Cards will enjoy a 10% discount at the exhibition.




(3)一日票僅得於公眾展期間2023/01/06 (16:00~20:00)、2023/01/07 (11:00~20:00)、2023/01/08 (11:00~19:00) 使用,當日無限次入場。



(6)票券售出恕不退款。(除染疫、天災人禍等不可控因素) 。


※User instructions:

(1) Tickets and Catalog need to be redeemed during the exhibition.

(2) E-tickets need to be exchanged for physical tickets on site.

(3) One-day tickets are only available during the public exhibition period 2023/01/06 (16:00~20:00), 2023/01/07 (11:00~19:00), 2023/01/08 (11:00) 00~19:00) use, unlimited admission on the day.

(4) You can participate in the art guide tour for free with physical tickets.

(5) On-site ticket sales will stop 30 minutes before the closing of the exhibition every day.

(6) There will be no refunds for ticket sales. (Excluding uncontrollable factors such as covid epidemics, natural disasters and man-made disasters).

(7) This event entrusts Accupass to issue invoices on its behalf.







Admission Notes:

1. Before taking photos of the exhibition works, looking for participating galleries agreement is mandatory.

2. Unless otherwise stated, non-commercial photography is open and flashlights are not allowed; in order to protect intellectual property rights, please do not use tripods, handheld stabilizers and other professional video equipment.

3. Smoking is prohibited in the whole exhibition area.

4. Please put the long umbrella at the entrance of the elevator, and put the folded umbrella in the bag.

5. It is forbidden to run and play in the exhibition area