
南應大美術系版印中心辦理110年度高等教育深耕計畫-國際大師版印在法國-戴亞伯 HENRI DEPARDIEU專題講座有三場,

●第一場時間110.10.12(二)下午03點-05點,地點:美術系A406視聽教室。戴亞伯 HENRI DEPARDIEU版畫專題演講1

●第二場時間110.10.13(三)下午01點-03點,地點:美術系A406視聽教室。戴亞伯 HENRI DEPARDIEU版畫專題演講2(更改時間)

●第二場時間110.10.13(三)上午10點-12:10點,地點:美術系A406視聽教室。戴亞伯 HENRI DEPARDIEU版畫專題演講2(正確時間)

●第三場時間110.10.14(四)上午10點-12點,地點:美術系 版印中心/BB101。戴亞伯 HENRI DEPARDIEU版印文創座談


Henri Depardieu


Henri Depardieu was born in 1947 in Paris, France to a French father and Italian mother. His father was in the printing business and he grew up in Paris while spending his summers in Venice, Italy. At the age of 7, his parents enrolled him into “Ecole des Jesuites De Saint Nicolas d’lgny” for his early education where he stayed til the age of 14. In this prestigious Catholic boarding school, he was exposed to oil paintings, sculptures and various forms of art from a tender age. This marked the beginning of his interest in oil paintings.

At age 16, he enrolled into ENSAAMA Ecole Nationale Superieure Des Arts Appliques et des Metiers d’Art (National State Superior school of Art Applied and crafts Arts), one of the most prestigious Art school in Paris France. He spent four years in this school learning the basics in all forms of art. This includes drawing, painting, sculpture, tapestry, cabinet making, pottery etc. Here, Henri found his calling in the arts and graduated with a 1st class Diploma.

He moved to Taiwan in 2009 where he has resided till today. Despite spending decades pursuing his business ventures and various other passions, his first love for art and oil paintings never ceased. He is only truly happy when he is with his paint brush and canvas. Throughout his life whenever possible, he would paint. Painting allowed him to escape from the stresses of life into a place where he feels completely at peace and one with himself. His paintings are a reflection of his feelings, environment, and a glimpse into his soul marked by each period of his life. His first solo painting exhibition was held in Taipei on 2-31 May 2014 and was very well received by the public.

1947 出生於法國巴黎,父親法國人開設印刷廠,母親義大利人。 童年往返於法國義大利威尼斯鄉間歡度。養成教育於天主教耶穌會寄宿學校 École des Jésuites de Saint Nicolas d’Igny。啟蒙西方文學,宗教哲學藝術建築相關美學 。


ENSAAMA ”École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Appliqués et des Métiers d’Art”

學習 ── 建築藝術(地毯織品工藝,彩繪玻璃 ,馬賽克裝飾壁畫)、雕塑、油畫、各類繪畫技巧、陶瓷、漆器 、家飾 、各項傳統工藝……。


École Nationale Tolbiac Corvisart 進修印刷課程。


第一階段 ── 17歲父逝即承接家業布品印製廠,在學間必須兼學業與工作,從事織品、布料、地毯壁毯、紙品、超大型廣告特殊印刷等,長達10年以上,擁有特殊織品結構印刷機專利權。

第二階段 ── 投身國際貿易, (歐洲、亞洲、美洲、非洲) 化妝品、刷具、 製筆、飾品、織品、服飾、家飾、食品、包裝、機械設備創立。研究海藻、化妝品實驗室……,商品研發設計製造以及

市場行銷。 開發全世界第一隻化妝有色毛刷,開發新款有色筆為香奈兒、聖羅蘭、 迪奧、法國老佛爺百貨公司、YVES ROCHER、MAKE-UP FOREVER 等各流行化妝品牌與德國文具廠 FABER CASTEL創意合作夥伴,並發明抽真空香水充填設備等。

2014/5/02 第一次個人畫展於台北郭木生文教基金會。

受教於超現實主義大師達利 Le peintre, sculpteur, orfèvre, cinéaste, SALVADOR DALI I DOMENECH, marquis de Dalí de Púbol,  (11 mai 1904 – 6 décember 1998)
法國現代雕塑家凱撒 · 巴達奇尼 CÉSAR BALDACCINI, dit César † (1 janvier 1921- 6 décembre 1998)
法國雕塑家 Le sculpteur Edmond MOIRIGNO, † (21 octobre 1913 – 27 juillet 2002) 法國雕塑畫家陶瓷家 Le sculpteur peintre, céramiste et graveur Roger PLIN , (19 mai 1918 – 1er novembre 1985)
地壁毯名師 Le Tapissier Jean Claude BISSERY, † (11 mars 2014) et Jean LURCAT † (1er juillet 1892 – 6 janvier 1966) tapisserie d’Aubusson
法國繪畫、玻璃、掛毯藝術家 Roger BISSIERE † (1886-1964) peinture, vitrail, tapisserie, peinture non figurative.
法國奢侈家俱精品創意製作藝術大師 L’ ébénniste Etienne-Henri MARTIN † (7 avril 1905 – 1998) mobilier bois créateur meubles de luxe art décoratif
羅浮宮修繕漆器大師 Le Maitre de laques, restaurateur d’objets d’Arts pour les musées nationaux
PIERRE BOBOT † (16 février1902 – 23 aout 1974) 
抽象地壁毯家 Robert WOGENSKY peintre abstrait et surface architecturale
法國高級訂製服 CARVEN 創始人卡芬女士 Madame (CARVEN DE TOMMASO) Marie-Louise
CARVEN-GROG, (reconnue comme « JUSTE PARMI LES NATIONS » haute couture.)
法國服裝設計大師皮爾卡登先生 Monsieur PIERRE CARDIN, académicien et mécène, haute couture.
法國表演默劇藝術家馬歇 · 馬叟 Le mime MARCEL MARCEAU (Bip) † (22 mars 1923 – 23 septembre 2007)
化妝品界彩妝品義大利創意天才及夫人 DARIO FERRARI et sa femme MADINA, industriel du maquillage couleur (Intercos).
