南應大美術系創系主任_臺南囡仔顏水龍-台南美術館展覽──從臺灣出發展望世界的藝術 Yen Shui-long – The son of Tainan: Arts from Taiwan for the World

南應大美術系創系主任_臺南囡仔顏水龍-台南美術館展覽──從臺灣出發展望世界的藝術 Yen Shui-long – The son of Tainan: Arts from Taiwan for the World


南應大美術系創系主任臺南囡仔顏水龍-台南美術館展覽──從臺灣出發展望世界的藝術 Yen Shui-long – The son of Tainan: Arts from Taiwan for the World
南應大美術系創系主任_臺南囡仔顏水龍-台南美術館展覽──從臺灣出發展望世界的藝術 Yen Shui-long – The son of Tainan: Arts from Taiwan for the World

名稱  臺南囡仔顏水龍──從臺灣出發 展望世界的藝術 Yen Shui-long – The son of Tainan: Arts from Taiwan for the World

時間  2023/11/03 10:00 ~ 2024/03/03 

地點 臺南市美術館_2館2樓展覽室E
南應大美術系創系主任_臺南囡仔顏水龍-台南美術館展覽──從臺灣出發展望世界的藝術 Yen Shui-long – The son of Tainan: Arts from Taiwan for the World
南應大美術系創系主任_臺南囡仔顏水龍-台南美術館展覽──從臺灣出發展望世界的藝術 Yen Shui-long – The son of Tainan: Arts from Taiwan for the World

南應大美術系創系主任_臺南囡仔顏水龍-台南美術館展覽──從臺灣出發展望世界的藝術 Yen Shui-long – The son of Tainan: Arts from Taiwan for the World
南應大美術系創系主任_臺南囡仔顏水龍-台南美術館展覽──從臺灣出發展望世界的藝術 Yen Shui-long – The son of Tainan: Arts from Taiwan for the World

  • 出生於臺南下營的顏水龍,年幼父母早逝,與姊姊及祖母生活,因此養成獨立自主的個性。十四歲從教員養成所畢業後,即進入學校擔任教職,因此結識同事澤田武雄,受其鼓舞,而決定前往日本學習美術。他努力籌錢買下前往東京的船票,義無反顧地踏上通往世界的藝術學習之路。




  • 顏水龍的臺南足跡 Yen Shui-long’s Footprints in Tainan

  • 顏水龍成長於臺南下營區,一生戮力於將「美」帶入生活。他曾遊歷世界各國,也在臺南這片土地留下許多的足跡。他在此建立家庭,並以出生地臺南作為推廣工藝美學的基地,許多作品與臺南有著緊密的淵源。循著這面地圖,走訪臺南顏水龍的足跡,得以感受到他永不停歇,追尋創作價值的生命歷程。
    Yen Shui-long grew up in Tainan’s Xiaying District. He dedicated his life to bringing beauty into everyday life. He traveled extensively around the world and left many more footprints in Tainan. He formed his family here and used Tainan, his birthplace, as his base for promoting the aesthetics of crafts. Many of his works have deep connections with Tainan. Follow this map, trace Yen Shui-long's footsteps in Tainan, and relive his ceaseless pursuit of creative value.

  • 南應大美術系創系主任_臺南囡仔顏水龍-台南美術館展覽──從臺灣出發展望世界的藝術 Yen Shui-long – The son of Tainan: Arts from Taiwan for the World
    南應大美術系創系主任_臺南囡仔顏水龍-台南美術館展覽──從臺灣出發展望世界的藝術 Yen Shui-long – The son of Tainan: Arts from Taiwan for the World
    南應大美術系創系主任_臺南囡仔顏水龍-台南美術館展覽──從臺灣出發展望世界的藝術 Yen Shui-long – The son of Tainan: Arts from Taiwan for the World
    南應大美術系創系主任_臺南囡仔顏水龍-台南美術館展覽──從臺灣出發展望世界的藝術 Yen Shui-long – The son of Tainan: Arts from Taiwan for the World
    南應大美術系創系主任_臺南囡仔顏水龍-台南美術館展覽──從臺灣出發展望世界的藝術 Yen Shui-long – The son of Tainan: Arts from Taiwan for the World
    南應大美術系創系主任_臺南囡仔顏水龍-台南美術館展覽──從臺灣出發展望世界的藝術 Yen Shui-long – The son of Tainan: Arts from Taiwan for the World
    1944 獲聘為臺南高等工業專科學校( 今國立成功大學前身) 建築工程學科講師。
    Yen Shui-long was appointed as a lecturer in the Department of Architecture at the Tainan Technical College(now the National Cheng Kung University).
    南應大美術系創系主任_臺南囡仔顏水龍-台南美術館展覽──從臺灣出發展望世界的藝術 Yen Shui-long – The son of Tainan: Arts from Taiwan for the World南應大美術系創系主任_臺南囡仔顏水龍-台南美術館展覽──從臺灣出發展望世界的藝術 Yen Shui-long – The son of Tainan: Arts from Taiwan for the World

    1965  任教於臺南家政專科學校( 今臺南應用科技大學) 美術工藝科教授兼科主任。
    Yen Shui-long became a teacher and department head at the Department of Arts and Crafts at the Private Tainan Junior College of Home Economics (present-day Tainan University of Technology)

    南應大美術系創系主任_臺南囡仔顏水龍-台南美術館展覽──從臺灣出發展望世界的藝術 Yen Shui-long – The son of Tainan: Arts from Taiwan for the World
    南應大美術系創系主任_臺南囡仔顏水龍-台南美術館展覽──從臺灣出發展望世界的藝術 Yen Shui-long – The son of Tainan: Arts from Taiwan for the World
    南應大美術系創系主任_臺南囡仔顏水龍-台南美術館展覽──從臺灣出發展望世界的藝術 Yen Shui-long – The son of Tainan: Arts from Taiwan for the World
    南應大美術系創系主任_臺南囡仔顏水龍-台南美術館展覽──從臺灣出發展望世界的藝術 Yen Shui-long – The son of Tainan: Arts from Taiwan for the World
    2006 臺南市政府於總爺藝文中心設立「顏水龍紀念館」。
    The Yen Shui-long Memorial Hall officially opened.
    南應大美術系創系主任_臺南囡仔顏水龍-台南美術館展覽──從臺灣出發展望世界的藝術 Yen Shui-long – The son of Tainan: Arts from Taiwan for the World
    南應大美術系創系主任_臺南囡仔顏水龍-台南美術館展覽──從臺灣出發展望世界的藝術 Yen Shui-long – The son of Tainan: Arts from Taiwan for the World

  • 南應大美術系創系主任_臺南囡仔顏水龍-台南美術館展覽──從臺灣出發展望世界的藝術 Yen Shui-long – The son of Tainan: Arts from Taiwan for the World
    南應大美術系創系主任_臺南囡仔顏水龍-台南美術館展覽──從臺灣出發展望世界的藝術 Yen Shui-long – The son of Tainan: Arts from Taiwan for the World
    2014 1972 年小林平一委託顏水龍製作的馬賽克壁畫〈熱帶植物〉,於2014 年時由小林家族贈與臺南市
    美術館,現於本館1 館大廳展出。
    In 1972, Kobayashi Heiichi commissioned Yen Shui-long to create a large mosaic mural, entitled Tropical Plants . In 2014, the Kobayashi family gifted the mural to the Tainan Art Museum and is currently on display in the hall of building 1.

    南應大美術系創系主任_臺南囡仔顏水龍-台南美術館展覽──從臺灣出發展望世界的藝術 Yen Shui-long – The son of Tainan: Arts from Taiwan for the World
    南應大美術系創系主任_臺南囡仔顏水龍-台南美術館展覽──從臺灣出發展望世界的藝術 Yen Shui-long – The son of Tainan: Arts from Taiwan for the World

  • 遊子與家鄉

  • 1935 年時,當時在日本擔任廣告設計工作的顏水龍,已多次在臺展中展露頭角。也因此受小早川篤四郎的推薦,加入繪製《臺灣歷史畫》系列中范無如區牧師與家人訣別的場景,為早期於臺南留下的重要作品。1943-1949 年時,曾短暫居於臺南,在此成家亦一邊推行藺草編織及竹編器物的手工藝事業,同時也受聘於臺南高等工業學校。然此時因處二戰期間,教職受到影響曾短暫停止。但戰後曾為慶祝學校改制專科學校,於《中華日報》發布四幅速寫慶祝。後來,足跡踏遍四方的顏水龍幾次返回臺南,對於地方重要歷史發展的重視,使其眼光置於當地的名勝及古蹟,繪製如〈曾文水庫〉、〈竹溪寺〉、〈安平熱蘭遮城( 二)〉等油畫作品。

  • The Traveller and His Hometown

  • In 1935, Yen Shui-long was working in Japan as an advertisement designer. He had already gained recognition at the Taiwan Fine Arts Exhibition and received a recommendation from the painter Kobayakawa Tokushiro. He participated in the creation of a series of scene paintings depicting the farewell between Pastor Antonius Hambroek and his family for the Historical Paintings of Taiwan, and what he produced became one of his most prominent early works in Tainan. From 1943 to 1949, he briefly resided in Tainan. While there, he started a family and ran a business crafting items out of woven rush and bamboo while simultaneously teaching at the Tainan Industrial Senior High School. Around this time, due to the impact of the Second World War, his teaching career was temporarily interrupted. However, after the war, he created four sketch drawings for publication in the China Daily newspaper to celebrate the school's reformation into a specialized college. Afterwards, Yen Shui-long returned to Tainan several times. His appreciation for the significant historical developments of the region directed his attention towards local landmarks and historical sites, leading him to create oil paintings such as Zengwen Reservoir , Zhuxi Temple , and Anping’s Fort Zeelandia II .
    南應大美術系創系主任_臺南囡仔顏水龍-台南美術館展覽──從臺灣出發展望世界的藝術 Yen Shui-long – The son of Tainan: Arts from Taiwan for the World
    南應大美術系創系主任_臺南囡仔顏水龍-台南美術館展覽──從臺灣出發展望世界的藝術 Yen Shui-long – The son of Tainan: Arts from Taiwan for the World
    顏水龍〈竹溪寺〉,1982,油彩、畫布,80×65 公分,私人收藏。
    Zhuxi Temple , 1982, oil on canvas, 80×65cm, private collection.

    南應大美術系創系主任_臺南囡仔顏水龍-台南美術館展覽──從臺灣出發展望世界的藝術 Yen Shui-long – The son of Tainan: Arts from Taiwan for the World
    南應大美術系創系主任_臺南囡仔顏水龍-台南美術館展覽──從臺灣出發展望世界的藝術 Yen Shui-long – The son of Tainan: Arts from Taiwan for the World

  • 〈巴黎盧森堡公園〉,1970,麥克筆、色鉛筆、紙本,43×52.5 公分,私人收藏。 Luxembourg Gardens, Paris, 1970, marker and colored pencil on paper, 43×52.5 cm, private collection.

    Yen Shui-long was born in Tainan’s Xiaying District. He lost his parents at a young age and lived with his sister and grandmother, experiences which gave him an independent and strong-willed personality. After graduating from a teacher training institute, he took a teaching post at a school. It was during this time that he met one of his colleagues, Takeo Sawada, who inspired him to pursue art studies in Japan. Yen Shui-long worked hard to save money to buy a ticket to Tokyo, and embarked on his journey into the world of art without looking back.

    Through his experience at the Tokyo School of Fine Arts and his subsequent painting studies in France, Yen Shui-long cultivated a keen perception of beauty and a broad perspective. Upon returning to Taiwan after years abroad, he noticed a lack of sensitivity to beauty among his fellow countrymen, and thus began advocating for the concept of "Life as Beauty," emphasizing the importance of aesthetics in everyday life. Still, he held a deep appreciation for the unique crafts of his homeland, and practiced his ideals by traveling extensively across Taiwan to document, research and promote local craftsmanship. Though he continued to visit other countries, discovering new artistic knowledge, and bringing it back with him to Taiwan. Most of his time was spent quietly and diligently working on the promotion of Taiwanese craftsmanship, earning him the title of: "the Father of Taiwanese Crafts."

    Yen Shui-long has been active in the art world since early. He once remarked that painting was the true love of his life, and no matter how busy his work at the Craft Research and Development Institute was during the day, he would always pick up his brush in the peace and quiet of the night to create depictions of the people, events, objects, and landscapes he cherished. He was particularly focused on the cultures and ways of life of Taiwan's indigenous peoples. Yen Shui-long's dedication to art was evident in his passion for sketching while traveling. He always carried a sketchbook with him, so that he could capture his observations and experiences with his drawing tools.

    This exhibition primarily focuses on Yen Shui-long's sketches from various periods, oil painting works exploring themes related to Tainan, and craft design products. Through this exhibition, we hope to provide the audience with an initial understanding and recognition of Yen Shui-long's diverse achievements, and also his creative process and context.


    策畫執行:臺南市美術館 展覽企劃部


    Advisor: Tainan City Government
    Organizer: Tainan Art Museum

    Curatorial & Executive Team: Curatorial Department of the Tainan Art Museum

    Special Thanks: National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute, Tainan City Museum, Tzu Yang Ceramics , The Yen’s Family

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