✨南應大美術系黃文勇老師受邀2024 SKM PHOTO 展出&講座;✨馬場沙織老師 於2024 SKM PHOTO新光三越國際攝影大賽 榮獲 優選獎 Outstanding Work Award

✨南應大美術系黃文勇老師受邀2024 SKM PHOTO 展出&講座;✨馬場沙織老師 於2024 SKM PHOTO新光三越國際攝影大賽 榮獲 優選獎 Outstanding Work Award

南應大美術系黃文勇老師受邀2024 SKM PHOTO 展出&講座;馬場沙織老師 於2024 SKM PHOTO新光三越國際攝影大賽 榮獲 優選獎 Outstanding Work Award

南應大美術系黃文勇老師受邀2024 SKM PHOTO 展出,展出地點:台北信義新光三越A11  6樓信義劇場,展出時間:2024.03.07~03.11,03.10(日)1500講座南應大美術系黃文勇老師受邀2024 SKM PHOTO 展出,展出地點:台北信義新光三越A11  6樓信義劇場,展出時間:2024.03.07~03.11,03.10(日)1500講座02
南應大美術系黃文勇老師受邀2024 SKM PHOTO 展出,展出地點:台北信義新光三越A11  6樓信義劇場,展出時間:2024.03.07~03.11,03.10(日)15:00講座



首屆「ART TAIWAN|SKM PHOTO 攝影藝術博覽會」將展出來自澳大利亞海浪生態攝影師-飛利浦.瑟斯頓Philip Thurston等8位國際攝影師與台灣各世代攝影藝術家,如:郭英聲、高志尊、邱國峻、黃文勇、洪世聰、鄧博仁等,共有超過50位國內外影像藝術攝影師集聚一堂!展期現場同期發表「2024吳東興攝影贊助計畫」、「2024 SKM PHOTO 國際攝影大賽」得獎作品,3/7-3/11展期現場每天舉辦多場次精彩攝影講座,憑展覽票根即可享臺虎精釀啤酒招待與SKM PHOTO週邊商品購物優惠!今年唯一一場,不容錯過的年度攝影盛會!

南應大美術系黃文勇老師受邀2024 SKM PHOTO 展出,展出地點:台北信義新光三越A11  6樓信義劇場,展出時間:2024.03.07~03.11,03.10(日)1500講座

南應大美術系黃文勇老師受邀2024 SKM PHOTO 展出


● 黃文勇 Wen-Yung Huang


被凝視的風景 / The Landscape Gazed-Upon

● 展覽介紹 Exhibition Statement:



“Landscapes” are often perceived as references to specific geographic coordinates or particular locations. This understanding stems from the common belief that landscapes are objective entities associated with distinct topographic environments and areas. Alternatively, landscapes are frequently categorized within the field of geography, expressing the study of specific landforms, geographical environments, and other geographic features, becoming terms referring to particular regions or areas.

However, every natural setting involves an intricate interplay of profound connections between humans, nature, the environment, and society. The distinctive qualities of each landscape emerge from the environment's latent energy coexisting in silence, molding its own features and distinctions. Within this dynamic interaction, landscapes and humans reciprocally shape each other, contributing to the creation of the cultural landscape.

Regarding the views and understanding of "landscape photography", how to regard "landscape" as an objective condition of existence. It examines “landscapes” as subjects for creative expression, utilizing the conceptual framework of “The Landscape Gazed-Upon.” By surpassing sensory experiences and navigating the constraints and interweaving of time and space, the article explores a discourse and interpretation of space and natural environments through physical engagement. Ultimately, it endeavors to scrutinize the conceptual dimensions and spirituality inherent in contemporary “landscape photography” within the realm of artistic creation.

南應大美術系黃文勇老師受邀2024 SKM PHOTO 展出,展出地點:台北信義新光三越A11  6樓信義劇場,展出時間:2024.03.07~03.11,03.10(日)15:00講座


南應大美術系馬場沙織老師 於2024 SKM PHOTO新光三越國際攝影大賽 榮獲 優選獎 Outstanding Work Award

南應大美術系馬場沙織老師 於2024 SKM PHOTO新光三越國際攝影大賽 榮獲 優選獎 Outstanding Work Award

2024 SKM PHOTO新光三越國際攝影大賽 得獎作品展


「SKM PHOTO新光三越國際攝影大賽」是一個為專業「攝影人」所創立的攝影視覺藝術平台,讓您夢想成真的起點,活動藉由攝影者自訂主題,以五張系列作品創作,讓攝影者在創作時重新「解構」攝影視覺藝術的角度,思考作品的起承轉合,分解觀景窗中物件元素所構成的獨有視覺畫面,傳達具個人且完整的創作概念及視覺藝術風格,挑戰自我,讓參與者發揮所喜好攝影風格,開啟夢想成真的起點......

南應大美術系馬場沙織老師榮獲2024 SKM PHOTO新光三越國際攝影大賽


2024 新光三越國際攝影大賽得獎作品展

● 楊承運|曹城|黃沛森|鄭惟遠|李坤育|江佳賢|王婷惠|馬場沙織|葉俊佑|何心樂|曾國安|邱淑珠|陳柏翔|許尊凱|任汐|吳東霖|陳志強|吳慕恩|Tejas Ghate|Mouneb Taim|Mark Anthony Agtay|Pranab Basak


Five photos tell an image story and share the wonderful sights through your eyes.



This is a photography competition established for professional photographers.

Photography can capture fleeting moments of pure beauty, accurately record the passage of time, express inner feelings, and represent aesthetics. In the era of readily accessible photography equipment, anyone can take photos. However, only those who express their personal styles clearly through the art of photography can be regarded as “photographers.” “SKM PHOTO Shin Kong Mitsukoshi International Photography Contest” is a platform for the art of photography established for professional photographers. It is the start of making dreams come true. The photographers select their own themes. The creation of a series of five photos enables them to “deconstruct” the angles of photography in creation and consider the transition of the works. By analyzing the unique images composed of objects and elements in the viewfinder, expressing their individualized and complete creative concepts and photographic styles, and challenging themselves, all participants will showcase their beloved photographic styles and embark on fulfilling their dreams!

It is a platform for the art of photography established for professional photographers. The photographers select their own themes. The creation of a series of five photos enables them to “deconstruct” the angles of photography in creation and consider the transition of the works. By analyzing the unique images composed of objects and elements in the viewfinder, expressing their individualized and complete creative concepts and photographic styles, and challenging themselves, all participants will showcase their beloved photographic styles…

南應大美術系馬場沙織老師 於2024 SKM PHOTO新光三越國際攝影大賽 榮獲 優選獎 Outstanding Work Award

A Project to Find Social Significance of Private Portrait Photos|馬場沙織

優選 Outstanding Work Award


When I capture portrait shots of my friends, I'm actually capturing my own self-portrait. By photographing my friends, I'm revealing the true essence of myself to the world. Through these individual portraits, I aim to share something inherent in each person. The renowned photographer Jo Spence believed that personal things hold social significance. Therefore, when I share these personal moments of myself and my friends with others, they might hold special meaning within our society.

南應大美術系馬場沙織老師 於2024 SKM PHOTO新光三越國際攝影大賽 榮獲 優選獎 Outstanding Work Award
南應大美術系馬場沙織老師 於2024 SKM PHOTO新光三越國際攝影大賽 榮獲 優選獎 Outstanding Work Award

南應大美術系馬場沙織老師 於2024 SKM PHOTO新光三越國際攝影大賽 榮獲 優選獎 Outstanding Work Award
南應大美術系馬場沙織老師 於2024 SKM PHOTO新光三越國際攝影大賽 榮獲 優選獎 Outstanding Work Award

南應大美術系馬場沙織老師 於2024 SKM PHOTO新光三越國際攝影大賽 榮獲 優選獎 Outstanding Work Award
南應大美術系馬場沙織老師 於2024 SKM PHOTO新光三越國際攝影大賽 榮獲 優選獎 Outstanding Work Award
南應大美術系馬場沙織老師 於2024 SKM PHOTO新光三越國際攝影大賽 榮獲 優選獎 Outstanding Work Award
南應大美術系馬場沙織老師 於2024 SKM PHOTO新光三越國際攝影大賽 榮獲 優選獎 Outstanding Work Award
南應大美術系馬場沙織老師 於2024 SKM PHOTO新光三越國際攝影大賽 榮獲 優選獎 Outstanding Work Award
南應大美術系馬場沙織老師 於2024 SKM PHOTO新光三越國際攝影大賽 榮獲 優選獎 Outstanding Work Award

■ 拍攝年份 Year:2021-2023
■ 拍攝地點 Location:(1)-(4)日本福岡 Fukuoka, Japan (5)台灣 台南 Tainan, Taiwan

南應大美術系馬場沙織老師 於2024 SKM PHOTO新光三越國際攝影大賽 榮獲 優選獎 Outstanding Work Award


